Strategies that may boost a sub $5m business may tear apart those with revenues $5m - $10m and above. In this comprehensive 57 page document. It takes on average 45 minutes to digest the content of my E-Book. It will prove to be some of the most productive time you ever spend on your business. I will share with you my distilled observations from the last 14 years on what it takes to successfully grow a business which has revenue of between $5m to $10m plus. The strategies I discuss are : - Funding - fueling the need for cash - the four sources available to you and the merits / pitfalls of each. - Investing in your productive assets e.g. your team, yourself, your brand and IP. The priorities to follow. - Improving the capability and focus of your business - when the ego hinders rather than helps the process. - Managing the right growth by selecting the right KPI’s. - Creating a culture and strategy that supports growth - the merits of consistency and transparency. - Relentless execution that avoids the “Everest Syndrome” Picking an appropriate governance and Leadership framework for ongoing growth.
These distilled observations explain what the seminal success factors are, and most importantly a summary of pitfalls to avoid. I’m privileged to work with business owners to help them generate highly significant and at times life changing improvements to their business and family / personal lives. Download my E-Book today, and begin your journey of growth while avoiding traps along the way.